Peoples TV Abonnemang A Comprehensive Entertainment Solution

Peoples TV

Television is not just about entertainment it can also be a valuable educational tool. Peoples TV programs, especially those on educational channels, offer informative and enriching content. Documentaries, nature shows, science programs, and historical dramas can expand our knowledge and stimulate our curiosity. Children’s programming often incorporates educational elements, teaching young viewers about various subjects, from math and science to social skills and cultural diversity.

Current Affairs and News:

One of the primary functions of television is to keep us informed about current events. News channels provide up-to-date information about local, national, and international news, including politics, economy, health, and more. Staying informed about current affairs is crucial for active citizenship and joining in public discussions.

One of the standout features of Peoples TV Abonnemang is its flexibility. Subscribers have the freedom to customize their viewing experience by creating personalized profiles and playlists. Whether you prefer binge-watching an entire series or catching up on missed episodes, Peoples TV Abonnemang allows you to tailor your content consumption to suit your schedule and preferences.

Cultural Awareness and Diversity:

Television plays a significant role in promoting cultural awareness and diversity Television also helps foster empathy and understanding by showcasing diverse characters and narratives, promoting inclusivity, and breaking down stereotypes. To read more information visit our website home page my great fest.

Language Development:

Watching TV can contribute to language development, especially for children. Educational programs and age-appropriate content can enhance vocabulary, listening skills, and language comprehension. Children who watch educational shows designed to teach language, numbers, and problem-solving skills may exhibit better cognitive and linguistic abilities. Subtitles and closed captions can also aid in reading and language acquisition for individuals learning a new language.

Social Connection:

Television can serve as a medium for social connection, especially when shared with others. Watching TV with family or friends can create shared experiences and opportunities for bonding. It provides common topics for conversation, enabling discussions about favorite shows, characters, or plotlines. Additionally, televised events such as game matches or award ceremonies often serve as communal viewing experiences, fostering a way of belonging and joining enthusiasm.

Inspiring Creativity and Imagination:

TV, particularly creative and imaginative programs, can inspire listeners’ creativity and imagination. Shows that depict art, music, storytelling, or innovative ideas can encourage viewers to explore their own creative pursuits. Additionally, fictional narratives and characters can transport us to different worlds and spark our imagination, which can be especially beneficial for children’s cognitive and emotional development.

Source of Inspiration and Role Models:

Television often presents individuals who have achieved success in various fields, providing inspiration and role models for viewers. Biographies, documentaries, and interviews with accomplished individuals can offer insights into their journeys, struggles, and achievements. This exposure to real-life stories can motivate viewers to pursue their passions, overcome challenges, and strive for personal growth and success.

In conclusion, while moderation is key, watching TV in a balanced and selective manner can offer several benefits. From entertainment and relaxation to education, cultural awareness, and language development, television plays a significant role in our lives. By choosing high-quality content and using TV as a tool for learning, connection, and inspiration, we can maximize the advantages it provides while minimizing its potential drawbacks.

2 Brilliant Ways How Do I Get Him Hooked On Me

How Do I Get Him Hooked On Me

Brilliant ways how do i get him hooked on me. When you see or meet a man that you are interested in, all you want to do is ensure that he is going to be yours. You don’t want any other girl in the world to lay her hands on him. You want him to be hooked on you and you want to be the only girl that he thinks about. How do you make this happen?

How Do I Get Him Hooked On Me

You can make any man get hooked on you and to make him never want to leave you. It is easy and it is something that you can do starting now. All you need are these 3 ways to be irresistible to any man and to make him commit. You can get the man of your dreams to fall in love with you and it is time that you made it a reality now. When a man is torn between two woman

The first way to be irresistible to any man is to give him the chase that he is after. Men love a good tease and a fantastic challenge. If you can be this for him, then you can hook him in and make him want you. The best way to go about this is to give him a little and then take it away. You can’t give him everything right up front.

Brilliant ways how do i get him hooked on me. If you do, he has nothing to look forward to. Make sure that you are giving him something to leave him hanging, but nothing too much. If you give him everything right up front, then you are going to end up being abandoned by him. Don’t let it happen! Make him want to learn more about you. Then, you will end up being the woman he becomes addicted to.

Another way to become irresistible in his eyes is to be cool and confident. He wants someone that can match up to him, so be that woman. Don’t fret about not seeing him. In fact, go a few days without talking to him.

Brilliant ways how do i get him hooked on me. Then, when he picks up the phone to call you, don’t answer and get back to him on your own terms. He likes the game. When you are out in public, don’t be all over him. Affection is for private times and he is going to have to work hard if he wants to get some private time with you.

The final way to get a man hooked on you is to become his fantasy girl. Learn the stats of the latest football game and pick a favorite team that you think he might have. Take an active interest in what he likes to do. This is most likely something that no woman in the past has done for him.

Brilliant ways how do i get him hooked on me. It will set you apart from the rest and make you stand out. That way, you are memorable to him and the fact that you “like” football, will make you sizzling hot in his eyes.

Brilliant ways how do i get him hooked on me. With these irresistible tips, you will be well on your way to making him hooked on you and setting yourself up for a happily ever after with the guy of your dreams!

3 Ways To Avoid Not A Virgin But Waiting Until Marriage

not a virgin but waiting until marriage

3 Ways to avoid not a virgin but waiting until marriage. As a society, we often place a great deal of emphasis on a person’s virginity. However, for some individuals, the decision to wait until marriage to have sex is a personal choice that is not necessarily tied to their virginity status. In this article, we’ll explore the challenges and benefits of not being a virgin but waiting until marriage, as well as provide some guidance on how to navigate this decision.

Not a virgin but waiting until marriage

  • Challenges of Not Being a Virgin But Waiting Until Marriage
  • Benefits of Not Being a Virgin But Waiting Until Marriage
  • How to Navigate Not Being a Virgin But Waiting Until Marriage

Challenges of Not Being a Virgin But Waiting Until Marriage

Avoid not a virgin but waiting until marriage. One of the biggest challenges of not being a virgin but waiting until marriage is the potential for judgment from others. Unfortunately, our culture often associates sexual experience with a person’s worth or morality, which can lead to ostracism or criticism. This pressure can be especially intense for women, who are often subjected to a double standard when it comes to sexual behavior. For more info about When a man is torn between two woman

In addition to social pressure, there can also be personal challenges associated with waiting until marriage. For example, if a person has had sexual experiences in the past, they may struggle with feelings of guilt or shame. They may also feel pressure to disclose their past to their partner, which can be a difficult conversation to have.

Benefits of Not Being a Virgin But Waiting Until Marriage

Avoid not a virgin but waiting until marriage. Despite the challenges, there are many benefits to waiting until marriage to have sex. For one, it can strengthen the emotional bond between partners. By delaying physical intimacy, couples can focus on building a foundation of trust and emotional connection.

Waiting until marriage can also help reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unintended pregnancy. By only having sex with one partner, both individuals can significantly reduce their risk of contracting an STI. Additionally, by waiting until marriage to have sex, couples can be more intentional about their family planning and avoid unintended pregnancies.

How to Navigate Not Being a Virgin But Waiting Until Marriage

Avoid not a virgin but waiting until marriage. If you have decided to wait until marriage to have sex, it’s important to be clear about your boundaries and communicate them to your partner. This can help ensure that both individuals are on the same page and can help prevent misunderstandings or hurt feelings.

Avoid not a virgin but waiting until marriage. It’s also important to be honest about your past experiences. While it can be a difficult conversation to have, being open and honest with your partner can help build trust and emotional intimacy.

Finally, it’s important to seek out supportive communities or resources. Whether it’s through religious organizations, support groups, or online forums, connecting with others who share your values and beliefs can help you feel less alone and more supported in your decision.


Deciding to wait until marriage to have sex is a personal choice that should be respected and supported. While there may be challenges associated with not being a virgin but waiting until marriage, there are also many benefits to delaying physical intimacy. By communicating openly with your partner and seeking out supportive communities, you can navigate this decision with confidence and clarity.

7 Tricks about Signs She Doesn’t Love You Anymore Long Distance

signs she doesn't love you anymore long distance

7 Tricks about signs she doesn’t love you anymore long distance. It can be challenging to accept that someone you love may not feel the same way anymore. But it’s better to acknowledge the signs early on and move forward with honesty and dignity. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most common signs that a woman may not love you anymore, and what you can do about it.

Signs she doesn’t love you anymore long distance:

  • She’s not interested in spending time with you
  • She’s emotionally distant
  • She avoids serious conversations
  • She doesn’t make an effort in the relationship
  • She’s critical of you
  • Communicate openly
  • Give her space
  • Focus on self-improvement
  • Consider couples counseling
  1. She’s not interested in spending time with you.

Signs she doesn’t love you anymore long distance. If your partner is always too busy or finds excuses to avoid spending time with you, it could be a sign that she’s not interested in your company anymore. Whether it’s canceling plans or not initiating hangouts, this behavior suggests that she may be prioritizing other things in her life over you. For more information about What attracts a woman to another woman

  1. She’s emotionally distant.

Signs she doesn’t love you anymore long distance. If your partner used to be affectionate and intimate with you, but now seems cold and distant, it could be a sign that her feelings for you have changed. This could manifest as a lack of physical touch, or a lack of emotional connection in conversations.

  1. She avoids serious conversations.

If your partner is avoiding important conversations about your relationship or the future, it could be a sign that she doesn’t see a future with you. This could include discussions about commitment, moving in together, or getting married.

  1. She doesn’t make an effort in the relationship.

If your partner is no longer putting in the effort to make the relationship work, it could be a sign that she’s checked out emotionally. This could manifest in a variety of ways, such as not returning calls or messages promptly, forgetting important dates, or not showing appreciation for your efforts. For more information about How to pick up woman at a bar

  1. She’s critical of you.

Signs she doesn’t love you anymore long distance. If your partner is always critical of your behavior, choices, or appearance, it could be a sign that she’s trying to distance herself emotionally. This could be a way for her to justify her feelings of disinterest or disconnection from the relationship.

What to do if she doesn’t love you anymore:

  1. Communicate openly.

If you suspect that your partner doesn’t love you anymore, the best thing to do is to have an open and honest conversation about your concerns. Ask her how she’s feeling, and be prepared to listen to her response without judgment or defensiveness.

  1. Give her space.

Signs she doesn’t love you anymore long distance. Sometimes, people need space to figure out their feelings and what they want out of a relationship. If your partner asks for space, respect her wishes and give her the time she needs.

  1. Focus on self-improvement.

Instead of obsessing over your partner’s feelings, use this time to focus on yourself. Take up a new hobby, start a new workout routine, or spend time with friends and family. This will not only help you feel better about yourself, but it may also make your partner take notice and realize what she’s missing.

  1. Consider couples counseling.

Signs she doesn’t love you anymore long distance. If you’re both committed to making the relationship work, couples counseling can be a great way to address any underlying issues and learn new ways to communicate and connect with each other.


In conclusion, the signs that a woman doesn’t love you anymore can be difficult to recognize, but it’s important to acknowledge them and take action. Whether that means having an open conversation with your partner, giving her space, or focusing on self-improvement, it’s essential to prioritize your emotional well-being and move forward with honesty and respect. Remember, while it can be painful to accept that someone you love doesn’t feel the same way anymore, it’s ultimately better to face the truth and move forward with clarity and dignity.

5 Actionable Tips On Why Are Married Men Attracted to Me

Why Are Married Men Attracted to Me

Actionable tips on why are married men attracted to me. Attraction is a natural and complex human experience that is shaped by a variety of factors, including physical appearance, personality traits, and social status. While it’s common for single individuals to find themselves drawn to someone who is already in a committed relationship, it can be confusing and hurtful for those who are on the receiving end of such attention. In this essay, we will explore some of the reasons why married men may be attracted to certain women, as well as the impact of these dynamics on everyone involved.

Actionable Tips On Why Are Married Men Attracted to Me

One potential reason why married men might find themselves attracted to someone outside of their relationship is the excitement of the unknown. When a person has been with their partner for a long time, the routine and familiarity can become monotonous and dull. This can lead some individuals to seek out novelty and spontaneity in their interactions with others. For some married men, meeting someone new who is attractive and engaging can provide a sense of adventure and excitement that may be missing from their current relationship. What attracts a woman to another woman

Actionable tips on why are married men attracted to me. Another factor that can contribute to attraction is a lack of emotional connection or fulfillment within the existing relationship. If a man feels neglected or unappreciated by his partner, he may be more likely to seek out validation and affection from someone else. This can be especially true if the person he is attracted to seems to offer something that his partner does not, such as a listening ear, a sympathetic shoulder to cry on, or simply a boost to his ego.

Why are married men attracted to me. In some cases, the attraction to another person may stem from a desire to escape or avoid problems within the existing relationship. For example, if a man is experiencing conflict or tension with his partner, he may find himself drawn to someone else who is more easy-going or relaxed. Alternatively, if a man is unhappy with his sex life, he may seek out someone who is more sexually adventurous or fulfilling.

Actionable Tips On Why Are Married Men Attracted to Me

However, it’s important to note that not all men who are attracted to someone outside of their relationship are unhappy or dissatisfied with their current partner. Sometimes, attraction is simply a natural response to a person’s physical or emotional qualities. For example, a man may be drawn to someone who shares his interests, has a similar sense of humor, or possesses qualities that he finds particularly appealing.

Why are married men attracted to me. Regardless of the reasons behind the attraction, it’s important to consider the impact that such dynamics can have on everyone involved. For the person who is the object of the married man’s affections, it can be both flattering and confusing. On the one hand, it can be validating to know that someone finds you attractive and desirable. However, it can also be unsettling to be pursued by someone who is already in a committed relationship. When a man is torn between two woman

Actionable tips on why are married men attracted to me. For the married man himself, the attraction can be equally complicated. On the one hand, he may feel a sense of guilt or shame for being drawn to someone else while still in a committed relationship. On the other hand, he may feel justified in seeking out happiness or fulfillment in areas where he feels his current relationship falls short.

Actionable tips on why are married men attracted to me. Of course, the biggest impact of attraction outside of a committed relationship is on the partner who is left behind. Discovering that your spouse is attracted to someone else can be devastating and can cause significant emotional pain and trauma. Even if nothing physical ever happens between the married man and the person he is attracted to, the emotional betrayal can be just as damaging.

Actionable Tips On Why Are Married Men Attracted to Me

Why are married men attracted to me. In conclusion, the reasons why married men may be attracted to some women are complex and multifaceted. From seeking excitement and novelty to finding emotional fulfillment or validation, there are a variety of factors that can contribute to attraction outside of a committed relationship.

Why are married men attracted to me. However, it’s important to remember that these dynamics can have a significant impact on everyone involved and can cause a great deal of emotional pain and trauma. It’s important for all parties involved to consider the potential consequences of acting on their attraction and to make choices that are in line with their values and commitments.

Why are married men attracted to me. For the person who is the object of the married man’s affections, it’s important to set clear boundaries and communicate your expectations clearly. If you’re not interested in pursuing a relationship with someone who is already committed to someone else, it’s important to make that clear from the outset. If you do decide to pursue a relationship with a married man, it’s important to have open and honest communication about the nature of the relationship and the potential consequences of your actions.

Actionable tips on why are married men attracted to me. For the married man himself, it’s important to take responsibility for his own actions and to consider the impact that his behavior may have on his partner and family. If he’s unhappy in his current relationship, it’s important to have open and honest communication with his partner about his feelings and to work together to find solutions that are mutually satisfying.

Ultimately, the decision to act on attraction outside of a committed relationship is a personal one, and there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this complex issue. However, it’s important for all parties involved to consider the potential consequences of their actions and to make choices that are in line with their values and commitments. With open communication, respect, and compassion, it’s possible to navigate these difficult situations in a way that minimizes harm and promotes growth and healing for everyone involved.

Signs His Ex Wife Wants Him Back

signs his ex wife wants him back

7 Easy ways to make signs his ex wife wants him back faster. It can be difficult to navigate the complex emotions and behaviors that arise when an ex-spouse expresses a desire to rekindle a relationship. However, there are some signs that may indicate that your ex-wife is interested in getting back together. Here are some things to look out for:

Signs his ex wife wants him back:

  • Increased Communication
  • Reminiscing About the Past
  • Jealousy
  • She Initiates Physical Contact
  • She is Flirting
  • She Talks About the Future
  • She Seeks Your Help or Advice
  1. Increased Communication

Easy ways to make signs his ex wife wants him back faster. One of the most obvious signs that your ex-wife may want you back is an increase in communication. This can take many forms, from text messages and phone calls to emails and social media interactions. If you notice that she is reaching out to you more frequently than usual or initiating conversations that go beyond just small talk, it could be a sign that she is interested in rekindling your relationship. When a man is torn between two woman

  1. Reminiscing About the Past

Signs his ex wife wants him back. Another sign that your ex-wife may be interested in getting back together is if she starts to reminisce about your past relationship. This could involve bringing up old memories, talking about things you used to do together, or even mentioning specific events or milestones in your shared history. If she seems nostalgic about your past relationship and expresses a desire to relive those moments, it could be a sign that she wants to give your relationship another chance.

  1. Jealousy

If your ex-wife seems to get jealous when you talk about other women or start dating someone new, it could be a sign that she wants you back. This can be a tricky sign to interpret, as it could also indicate that she is just possessive or insecure. However, if she seems genuinely upset or distressed by the idea of you being with someone else, it could be a sign that she still has feelings for you.

  1. She Initiates Physical Contact

Easy ways to make signs his ex wife wants him back faster. Physical contact can be a powerful indicator of romantic interest, and if your ex-wife is initiating physical contact with you, it could be a sign that she wants to get back together. This could include hugging, holding hands, or even kissing. Of course, it’s important to make sure that any physical contact is consensual and respectful, and that both parties are comfortable with it.

  1. She is Flirting

Signs his ex wife wants him back. If your ex-wife is flirting with you, it’s a pretty clear sign that she’s interested in getting back together. This could involve playful teasing, compliments, or even more overtly sexual behavior. Again, it’s important to make sure that any flirting is consensual and respectful, and that both parties are comfortable with it. How to deal with a girlfriend who wants to wait until marriage

  1. She Talks About the Future

Signs his ex wife wants him back. If your ex-wife is talking about your future together, it’s a pretty clear sign that she wants to get back together. This could involve discussing potential plans for vacations, talking about buying a house together, or even discussing the possibility of getting back together officially. If she seems excited about the idea of a future with you, it could be a sign that she wants to give your relationship another chance.

  1. She Seeks Your Help or Advice

Signs his ex wife wants him back If your ex-wife is reaching out to you for help or advice on things that are important to her, it could be a sign that she wants to reconnect with you. This could involve asking for your opinion on a job offer, seeking your help with a personal problem, or even just asking for your assistance with something around the house. If she seems to value your input and wants to involve you in her life in a meaningful way, it could be a sign that she wants to get back together.

In conclusion, there are many signs that your ex-wife may want you back, from increased communication and physical contact to jealousy and talk of the future. However, it’s important to remember that these signs are not foolproof, and that every situation is unique.

Signs his ex wife wants him back. If you are unsure about your ex-wife’s intentions or feelings, the best thing to do is to have an open and honest conversation with her about your relationship and where you both stand. It’s important to approach the conversation with an open mind and a willingness to listen to what she has to say, as well as to express your own feelings and desires honestly.

Signs his ex wife wants him back faster. It’s also important to consider whether getting back together is truly the best decision for both of you. While the idea of rekindling a relationship with your ex-wife may be appealing, it’s important to take a step back and evaluate whether the issues that led to your breakup have been resolved, and whether you are both in a place where you can build a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

Ultimately, the decision to get back together with your ex-wife is a personal one that only you can make. By paying attention to the signs that she may want you back, and by approaching the situation with openness and honesty, you can make an informed decision about the future of your relationship. Whatever you decide, remember that it’s important to prioritize your own happiness and well-being, and to treat yourself and your ex-wife with kindness and respect.

What To Say When A Guy Invites You Over

What To Say When A Guy Invites You Over

5 Brilliant ways to use what to say when a guy invites you over. When a guy invites you over, it can be both exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time. It’s natural to feel a little bit of pressure to make a good impression and to ensure that the night goes smoothly. However, it’s important to remember that this is just another opportunity to get to know someone better and have some fun.

What To Say When A Guy Invites You Over

  • “I’d love to! What do you have planned?”
  • “That sounds like fun! I’m looking forward to it.”
  • “I’m flattered that you invited me over, but I’d like to get to know you better in a public
  • setting first.”
  • “I’m not comfortable coming over, but I’d love to do something else together.”
  • “I’m sorry, but I have other plans that night.”
  1. “I’d love to! What do you have planned?”

5 Brilliant ways to use what to say when a guy invites you over. This response shows that you’re enthusiastic about spending time with him and gives you an opportunity to get a sense of what the night might entail. Whether he has a specific activity in mind or just wants to hang out, asking about his plans can help you feel more comfortable and prepared. When a man is torn between two woman

  1. “That sounds like fun! I’m looking forward to it.”

What to say when a guy invites you over. If he’s already mentioned some general ideas for what you’ll do, this response can show that you’re on board and excited to see what he has in store. It’s a positive and upbeat way to respond, which can set the tone for the rest of the night.

  1. “I’m flattered that you invited me over, but I’d like to get to know you better in a public setting first.”

Brilliant ways to use what to say when a guy invites you over. If you’re not quite ready to be alone with him just yet, it’s essential, to be honest, and clear about your boundaries. This response is respectful and direct, leaving the door open for future plans if you decide you’re interested in spending time together. how to tell if your girlfriend has had a bigger

  1. “I’m not comfortable coming over, but I’d love to do something else together.”

If you’re not comfortable going to his place for any reason, it’s important to communicate that in a clear and respectful way. This response shows that you’re open to other options and still interested in getting to know him better, even if you’re not quite ready to take things to the next level.

  1. “I’m sorry, but I have other plans that night.”

Brilliant ways to use what to say when a guy invites you over. If you’re not interested in spending time with him or have other commitments, it’s important, to be honest, and upfront about that. This response is polite and respectful while also setting clear boundaries.

What to say when a guy invites you over. No matter what you decide to say, it’s important to trust your instincts and do what feels right for you. If you’re excited about the invitation, embrace it and have fun! If you’re not quite ready, be honest about your boundaries and communicate them clearly. Remember that communication is key in any relationship, and being upfront and honest can help build trust and respect from the start.

how to beat a woman’s mind games

how to beat a woman's mind games

3 Easy Ways To Make how to beat a woman’s mind games. Women are often stereotyped as being manipulative or playing mind games in their relationships. While not all women engage in these behaviors, it is not uncommon for some to use emotional manipulation to get what they want. These mind games can range from subtle tactics to overt displays of emotional manipulation, and they can be frustrating for men to deal with.

However, it is important to understand that women who engage in these behaviors are not inherently bad people, and that there are ways to navigate these situations and maintain healthy relationships. In this article, we will explore some common types of mind games women play and strategies for dealing with them. how to tell if your girlfriend has had bigger

How to beat a woman’s mind games

  • The Silent Treatment
  • Emotional Blackmail
  • Gaslighting
  1. The Silent Treatment: Easy Ways To Make how to beat a woman’s mind games. One of the most common mind games that women play is the silent treatment. This involves withholding communication or affection as a way of punishing their partner or getting what they want. The silent treatment can be frustrating for men because it is difficult to know what is going on or how to fix the situation.
    If your partner is giving you the silent treatment, the best thing you can do is to give them space and time to cool down. Trying to force communication or affection will only make things worse. Once they are ready to talk, approach the situation calmly and try to understand their perspective. It is important to avoid becoming defensive or reactive, as this will only escalate the situation.
  2.  Emotional Blackmail: Easy Ways To Make how to beat a woman’s mind games. Another common mind game that women may use is emotional blackmail. This involves manipulating their partner by threatening to withhold love or affection unless they get what they want. For example, a woman may say something like, “If you don’t do this for me, I won’t love you anymore.” How to make an inmate fall in love with you
    Easy Ways To Make how to beat a woman’s mind games. If you feel like your partner is using emotional blackmail, it is important to set boundaries and stand up for yourself. Let your partner know that this behavior is not acceptable and that you will not tolerate being manipulated. It may also be helpful to seek the advice of a therapist or counselor to work through these issues and improve communication in your relationship.
  3. Gaslighting: Easy Ways To Make how to beat a woman’s mind games. Gaslighting is another form of emotional manipulation that women (and men) may use in relationships. It involves making their partner doubt their own perceptions and reality. For example, a woman may deny that something happened or make their partner feel crazy for questioning their version of events.Easy Ways To Make how to beat a woman’s mind games. If you suspect that you are being gaslit, it is important to trust your own perceptions and seek validation from others. Keep a record of your experiences and try to stay grounded in your own reality. It may also be helpful to talk to a therapist or counselor about your experiences and how to set healthy boundaries in your relationship.

In conclusion, while it is not fair to stereotype women as being manipulative or playing mind games, it is important to recognize that these behaviors do exist in some relationships. By understanding the common types of mind games women play and learning strategies for dealing with them, men can maintain healthy relationships and avoid being manipulated. Remember to always communicate openly and honestly with your partner, set healthy boundaries, and seek professional help if needed.

NUST Graduate Wins 2nd Position in World Psychiatric

NUST Graduate Wins 2nd Position in World Psychiatric

NUST Graduate Wins 2nd Position in World Psychiatric

In an outstanding achievement for NUST, Ms Khadija Sultan, a recent graduate of S3H in MS Clinical Psychology and C3A officer, secured 2nd position in the World Psychiatric Association’s Thematic Conference. The conference, held in Karachi, Pakistan from 3-5th March 2023, saw the participation of approximately 2000 renowned psychiatrists, psychologists, and medical specialists from 39 countries.

Ms Sultan presented her research on proximal and distal risk factors for suicide rates in Gilgit Baltistan (GB), conducted under the guidance of Dr Salma Siddiqui, Dean S3H. Her research drew the attention of the audience, and she was awarded the prestigious ‘WPA Fellowship award’ along with an additional cash prize. Ms Sultan was also accredited with 26 credit points for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in her field by the World Psychiatric Association.

The NUST community congratulates Ms. Sultan on her outstanding achievement. His hard work and dedication has paid off, and his success is a testament to the quality of education and research at NUST. The College of Social Sciences and Humanities and the Center for Career Guidance and Counseling (C3A) particularly thank Vice Chancellor (Academic) Dr. Osman Hasan for facilitating the whole process with his proactive and supportive approach.

This success story inspires current and future NUST students. We wish Ms. Sultan every success in her future endeavors.

High Street lender HSBC has acquired Silicon Valley Bank UK for £1 in an 11-hour deal that will protect the deposits of thousands of start-ups across the UK.

The Government said the deal was facilitated by the Bank of England in consultation with the Treasury. There are no taxpayers’ money involved, said the finance minister.

HSBC’s takeover of Silicon Valley Bank UK comes after the government held a weekend of crisis talks to halt the collapse of startups across the country. California-based Silicon Valley Bank collapsed on Friday in the biggest bankruptcy since 2008 after it failed to make payments.The UK subsidiary, which is believed to be used by more than 3,000 startups, faced bankruptcy on Monday without a buyer or government intervention.

Noel Quinn, CEO of HSBC Group, said: “This acquisition makes a lot of strategic sense for our UK business. Strengthen our commercial banking business and enhance our ability to serve innovative, high-growth businesses, including in technology and life sciences, in the UK and internationally. London-based HSBC

said in a statement that SVB UK had around £5.5 billion in loans and around £6 in deposits.7 billion as of March 10th. SVB UK’s “tangible assets” are expected to be around £1.4 billion, HSBC added.

Quinn added that SVB UK customers “can continue with their normal banking experience”.

The Bank of England has confirmed that “all SVB UK depositors’ money is safe in this transaction”.He added that customers at SVB UK should continue to work as usual and that SVB UK staff are still employed by SVB UK.

Lifeline of the technology sector
“The UK technology sector is truly a world leader and is hugely important to the UK economy, supporting hundreds of thousands of jobs,” said Chancellor Jeremy Hunt. “I said yesterday that we will take care of our technology sector and have worked hard to deliver on that promise and find a solution that gives confidence to SVB UK customers.”
startups faced a liquidity crisis on Monday , after many were unable to access some or all of their funds from Silicon Valley Bank UK. Bosses feared they might not be able to prepare payslips or pay bills.An open letter signed by over 200 startups called it an “existential threat to the UK tech sector”.

Dom Hallas, executive director of the Coalition for a Digital Economy (Coadec), which has led the tech industry’s response, said the government’s actions have “saved hundreds of most of the UK’s innovations”.

Several banks held talks over the weekend to take over SVB UK, including Lloyds, Barclays and OakNorth. The Bank of London, a clearing bank founded two years ago, officially unveiled the offer on Sunday evening. In a statement, Bank of London said it was “great news that a quick fix has been found for Silicon Valley Bank UK,” but added that “for many, this is seen as a missed opportunity to encourage competition and innovation.” to promote”.
APEXX Global, a startup offering retailers alternative payment options, has raised US$25 million (£20.00).8 million) in Series B funding round.

APEXX is a one-stop shop for merchants looking to integrate alternative payment options into their services. The company connects merchants to a variety of payment options, including Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) products, by allowing them to add different payment types at checkout.

“From day one, we have been focused on our mission to build the world’s leading payment orchestration platform and provide clear benefits to merchants,” said Peter Keenan, co-founder and CEO of APEXX Global.

“We have seen strong growth in international markets which has resulted in significant cost savings and transaction conversion benefits.We look forward to using these funds to further strengthen our position in shaping the future of global payments.

Armed with fresh capital, the London-based company is looking to expand its reach into North America via its New York office. APEXX will try to expand its offer to include other payment methods.

The Series B round came from existing investor MMC Ventures along with Alliance Ventures and Forward Partners.

“APEXX has reached a milestone demonstrating its ability to acquire and grow large corporate accounts such as CarTrawler, Ryanair, AVON Cosmetics and XE.Com,” said Alan Morgan, President and Co-Founder of MMC Ventures.

“We have seen good momentum in client growth and are pleased to continue to support Peter and his talented team as they work with merchants to rethink payments and raise funds save .”
The company previously raised $8 million (£6.6 million) for a Series A round in June 2020.
The Treasury said it was looking at ways to “repair the damage to the start-up ecosystem in the UK after the Bank of England decided to bankrupt the UK branch of a California bank on Friday night.

The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) is the biggest since the 2008 financial crisis.

‘s run on a specialist lender sent shockwaves across the Atlantic. The collapse of a UK branch sparked extraordinary talks between the Prime Minister, Chancellor and Bank of England governor over the weekend.

The Treasury said the government sees this as a “high priority”. He added that “the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank UK could have a significant impact on the liquidity of the tech ecosystem.”

NUST Launches Climate Action Plan to Curb Climate Change

NUST Launches Climate Action Plan to Curb Climate Change

NUST Launches Climate Action Plan to Curb Climate Change

National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST) hosted the first Partnership for Climate Action (PCA-2023) conference in Pakistan on 14-16 February 2023. The conference, titled Science for Sustainable Development, was held in collaboration with the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), the German Red Cross, the Pakistan Red Crescent, the International Federation of Red Crosses, the International Relief Committee and the World hunger Help.
‘s main goal was to bring together and network young people, academics and other stakeholders to build meaningful partnerships to tackle the challenges of climate change. The conference was also an opportunity for NUST to showcase its climate-resilient technologies for potential deployment and commercialization, and to work closely with government and development stakeholders to accelerate progress towards a sustainable future.

In his welcome speech, Dr. Rizwan Riaz, NUST Vice-Chancellor for Research, Innovation and Commercialization, that the university takes its social responsibility seriously and has aligned all its functions with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.More importantly, he said, NUST is actively involved in developing innovative technologies and devices to address the challenges of climate change. He also stressed the importance of the Partnership for Climate Action, a platform to share best practices, collaborate on new initiatives and leverage shared resources to drive progress. He added that the NUST climate action plan is an important step towards real impact.

The three-day event included a climate policy simulation, youth activities, panel discussions, a conference and an exhibition, followed by the presentation of the climate action plan and the signing of a memorandum of understanding. Climate Action Plan formulated by the NUST Research Directorate – includes a strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions inside and outside the university and mitigate the impacts of climate change.

Two large rounds of talks on the second day provided information on the national and international causes of climate change, measures to meet the challenges through the promotion of renewable energies, energy efficiency and sustainable transport. The first panel, moderated by Anam Zeb from the German Red Cross, focused on building partnerships for climate action, the importance of raising public awareness of the urgency of the climate crisis and the actions needed to mitigate its impact. Among the
speakers were Dr. Imran Khalid, Director Policy & WWF Governance, Ali Shah, Member of the NUST Climate Panel, and Maheen Zahra, Oxford Policy Management Institute. The second panel, moderated by Ms. Ameera Adil, NUST, focused on the role of science in relation to climate resilience and sustainability, the importance of green spaces, the adoption of energy efficiency measures, zero waste on campus and the implementation of a plan for renewable energy generation . Speakers were Prof. Dr. Salman
Atif, Member of the Climate Panel, IGIS NUST, Mr. Waqar ul Shams, Innovation and Information Coordinator of AnthroInsights, Prof. Sustainable Development (CCCS).

The event ended with the presentation of the NUST Integrated Policy and Action Plan for Climate Resilience. dr Hamood-ur-Rahman, Director of Research, NUST, and Ms. Ameera Adil, AD Sustainability NUST, illuminate a plan that recognizes climate change as a key future development issue and develops a recovery strategy to create a sustainable future for us and our communities as well posterity.

The NUST Advancement Office, in cooperation with the US-Pakistan Center for Advanced Energy Studies at NUST and the Pakistan Renewable Energy Coalition, organized a dialogue on Monday March 6 entitled “Solving the energycrisis through digitalization and innovation” on the energy crisis in Pakistan 2023

The event brought together experts from the energy sector, policy makers and representatives from different sectors to discuss the challenges of the sector and possible solutions through digitization and innovation.

USPCAS-E Director Dr. Adeel Waqas delivered the keynote speech and underlined the importance of dialogue to solve the current challenges in the energy sector. A noted economist and director of the School of Social Sciences & Humanities Dr. Ashfaq Hasan Khan, who shared his insights on politics, and Ms. Sadia Dada, Communications Director of K-Electric, who presented EC’s operational changes through innovation and digitization of

The event also included a panel discussion with representatives from many industries including Amer Zia, Director of Sales at KElectric; Noorul Arfeen Zuberi, Senior Advisor, China Three Gorges South Asia Investment Limited; Naveed Qaiser, Senior CFO of CAPP; and dr Kashif Imran, Associate Professor at USPCAS-E NUST.

The event was attended by students who actively participated in the discussion and asked relevant and substantive questions. The dialogue stressed the need for more such actions in the future to address energy sector challenges and foster innovation and digitalisation.

“We are pleased with the outcome of the dialogue and hope that it will help solve the crisis in Pakistan’s energy sector through digitization and innovation,” said RIC Vice-Chancellor Dr. Rizwan Riaz during the closing speech and presentation. Shields for the guests.

AI TechVerse 2023, the National Artificial Intelligence Center’s annual flagship event at NUST, ended Thursday.The aim of the three-day event was to offer existing AI students, researchers, spin-offs, start-ups and industries a platform to connect, network and present their AI-supported ideas and prototypes. Highlights of the opening ceremony included Ahsan Iqbal, Federal Minister for Special Initiatives and retired Lieutenant General. Closely. Javed Mahmood Bukhari, Chancellor of NUST, while His Excellency Rashid Abdul Rehman Al Zamar, UAE Pakistan Affairs Officer, was the main guest honoring the closing ceremony. A large number of AI enthusiasts, tech entrepreneurs, investors and AI startups from around the world gathered at the NUST campus in Islamabad to share their knowledge and expertise in artificial intelligence (AI) and related technologies and applications exchange.

The federal minister noted that NCAI was one of his favorite initiatives and said he was very happy that it was thriving. He said Pakistan is a country facing many challenges and to address them we need to foster a culture of technological innovation and growth.He argued that NCAI is helping create a new generation of thought leaders equipped with the skills and knowledge to propel our nation forward in the digital age. The minister added that the world is changing at an unprecedented pace and that we must keep pace with this rapid transformation in order to keep up with the times. To achieve this, we must create an environment conducive to innovation, creativity and advanced technologies.

In his welcome speech, Prof. Dr. Yasar Ayaz (Pride of Performance) said NCAI AI TechVerse is more than just an AI research and development center; This is where our brightest minds come together to harness the power of artificial intelligence for the benefit of our society. He said NCAI actively participates in policy development of national and international bodies on artificial intelligence and related technologies.Its AI-powered systems have had a significant impact. The center has also developed AI-based robots like Chotu for autistic children in Karachi, providing personalized support and help. In addition, Mediam.AI’s media analytics system has helped media companies analyze and monitor the accuracy and credibility of content, contributing to the development of media literacy. In addition, he said that NCAI has made significant progress in expanding its reach across Pakistan with the establishment of nine laboratories and plans to open
centers in the UK, AJK and Balochistan.

The NCAI Startup Challenge was the highlight of the event as it received a whopping 130 entries, of which only 21 startups made it to the finals. The winning startup LYNXINFOSEC (Pvt) Ltd (Project: AI-Powered Feast) was awarded a cash prize of PKR 1 million after passing a rigorous audit.